Physical & Talking Therapy Ready To Be Fantastic?
Physical & Talking Therapy Ready To Be Fantastic?
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Whether your pain is localised or travelling a pain pathway, there are solutions. Be Fantastic Therapy offers bespoke treatment plans incorporating Bowen Technique, Sports Massage & Old Pain 2 Go.
Every BODY is better with Bowen.
Bowen technique is a gentle, non invasive therapy which treats the body as a whole. Restoring balance through specific signals sent to the autonomic nervous system, via the fascia tissue. It has been described as 'acupuncture without the needles' but I think of it as a' factory reset button'. Promoting realignment and enabling your body to be the best that it can. Ideal for pain management, insomnia, toxic overload and emotional stress. It is suitable for everyone, from new born babies to palliative care, (with the exception of cancer patients). Bowen is very relaxing and can assist in the regulation of a variety of conditions such as:
· Adhd
· Back pain
· Sciatica
· Scoliosis
· Digestive & bowel
· Migraines & headaches
· Hypermobility
. Frozen shoulder
. Nerve related issues
. Muscle pain
Four weekly 1 hr session are recommended to rebalance the whole body. Then book a top up as and when required. How regularly you need Bowen depends on what is causing your issue, work related problems may require more frequent sessions.
For more information please view
Sports Massage
Deep tissue treatment that breaks down adhesions/knots, relieving muscular tension and encouraging the body to heal faster. 30/45/60 minute sessions.
Old Pain 2 Go
Specifically for diagnosed long term pain conditions that can only be managed with medication. Pain can have emotional links and may be an outdated and unnecessary warning system that our unconscious has used to protect us. Sometimes these survival programmes originate from traumatic experiences and are no longer relevant. OldPain2Go simply helps you to update your bodies alarm system, turning down or removing the pain signals altogether.
Once you have completed a course of Bowen you are eligible for our exclusive Sports Massage /Bowen combination therapy. comprising of 30 mins SMT followed by 30 mins Bowen for the best of both worlds from only £60
These two compliment each other perfectly. Bowen releases trauma & anxiety from the body, while NLP encourages healthier thought processes. 1.5 hr treatment from £80
Redress emotional trauma, update the unconscious, and rebalance the body with this powerhouse package. Only one session should be required. From £120 2hr +
As a holistic alternative therapy service, Be Fantastic Therapy advises clients to seek full diagnosis and medical assistance from their General Practitioner. Please note that therapy results are dependent on the individual and therefore cannot be guaranteed. Be Fantastic Therapy has a 24 hour cancellation policy and appointment time will be chargeable.
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